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Whiplash From Rear-End Crashes

Whiplash refers to damage to the soft tissues of your neck and is generally caused by a collision or another jolt to your head, neck, or back. When a motor vehicle is moving at a high speed and comes to a sudden halt, your head will usually snap forward due to continued momentum, and then it will snap back. This unnatural and sharp movement can strain, sprain, or tear your ligaments, tendons, or muscles in your neck.

Whiplash can start as soreness, but it can worsen quickly in the hours or days following a crash. Knowing what kind of injuries you have experienced in your accident requires that you reach out to a medical professional for an assessment as soon as possible. Then, a St. Augustine car accident attorney can help to determine the parties at fault in your accident so that you can be compensated for your injuries and all related losses.

Symptoms of Whiplash Can be Masked by Soreness and Bruising

The damage to the soft tissues of your neck with whiplash can cause symptoms that are very similar to the common bruising and soreness that might seem “normal” following a motor vehicle collision. It is important to remember that the symptoms of more significant soft-tissue damage to your neck and back can take time to emerge, and any feeling out of the ordinary can be the sign of soft tissue damage.

This underlines the importance of not only allowing emergency medical personnel to provide care on the scene, but also to seek out a follow-up after the accident to ensure that there are no longer-term injuries that might be lingering.

Reach out to a St. Augustine Car Accident Attorney Today

Connect with a St. Augustine car accident attorney at Naples and Spence to schedule a consultation today to discuss your case and the damages you might be entitled to. We’re here to help.